Syndicat Coopératif
Des Producteurs de Lait de Sabrevois

(19?? - 1942)

1942 January 27, all milkmen from this Dairy joined The St-Laurent Dairy Farm.
Information : Réal Berthelet
Mr. Berthelet was member of the "Conseil d'Administration" at St-Laurent Dairy Farm (1980-1986)

Two first pints (different shape) - Denis Morin
Third pint - Steve Lussier
Half pint - Laurier Fluet
(Color is a bit different, just like the quarts below!)

Quarts Laurier Fluet

Quart - Pierre St-Amand
Pint - Steve Lussier
Half pint - Danny Currie

Twenty years in what must have been an ideal location. Numerous dairies occupied these addresses 4164 and 4166 Parthenais street which was a corner lot with Rachel street as the cross street. The occupants of this location were as follows, taken completely from "Lovell's Montreal Guides".

4164 Pathenais 1928 to 1934 Laiterie Dominion Ltee.
1935 to 1938 Roland Tremblay
1939 Laiterie Tremblay Ltee.
1940 to 1941 Syndicat Co-operative
Des Produceurs De Lait De Sabrevois
4166 Parthenais 1940 to 1943 La Laiterie Canadienne Ltee.
4164 and 4166 Parthenais 1942 to 1947 Orbis Dairy Products Ltd.

The dairy "Syndicat Coopératif des Producteurs de Lait de Sabrevois" was located 192, St. Catherine St. (Now Provost St.) in Lachine. The phone number was ELWOOD-9836 (YELLOW PAGES HAD THEM LISTED FOR 1941) Probably moved this address in 1941! - Searches : Dale Peacock collector!

Short historic required
Updated 2011-07-09
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