Quebec Dairy
(1914 - 1956)
" Jules Gingras "

Clic on pictures and go to pages 277 - 278
Searches - Gaston Gravel

Quart and pint - Mario Hamel
Last pint - Denis Morin


First 42mm Cap - Pierre-Yves
Second 42mm Cap - Pierre St-Amand

Sign from Quebec Bell Telephone book dated 1941 - Réjean Matte

Dairy ad - Gaston Gravel

            1925 ad                    Pierre Cantin                1917 ad

Milk or cream container - Jacques Fauvelle

Mr. Jules Gingras, the grandson of the founder relates: "My grandfather was born the First of October 1886. He was 18 years old in 1904 when he started to sell the milk of his own farm. In 1914, he founded "Quebec Dairy" who already was making the Arctic's products.

When the Dairy moved on Charest Boulevard in 1956, the Dairy was given to his two sons Paul and Jean-Louis. The same year, they also changed the dairy's name for "Laiterie Arctic". In January 1967, the Arctic Dairy was sold to "Laval Dairy" which is owned by the Côté family in Quebec.

Source: Mr. Jules Gingras grandson of Jules Gingras the founder.

Page sent by Cécile Rochette, granddaughter of Théophile Rochette, founder of the " Frontenac Dairy "

Pic to remove milk bottle caps - Denis Morin

Updated 2016-05-09
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