Lacasse Dairy
(19?? - 1948)

This dairy was acquired by Mr. Roméo Lemay in 1948
At that time, the owner was Mr. Adrien Lacasse


Orange Pyro color -  1st series

Detached word (La Casse Dairy)

Orange quart - Robert Benoît
Orange half pint - Bruno Desjardins

Orange   pint - Pierre St-Amand


Orange Pyro color -  2nd  series

attached word (Lacasse Dairy)

First quart - Denis Morin
 pint and half pint - Laurier Fluet



Red Pyro color -   series

attached word (Lacasse Dairy)

 quart (red) - André Daunais


Embosse  -   series

Embossed quart - Thelma Lang


Other information required

Updated 2017-03-10
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