Maple View Creamery & Butter Factory
" Robert Rolfe Prop. "
Butter parchment wrapper - Robert Benoît
Creamery Burns : Fire completely destroyed the Maple View Butter Factory at "Laguerre" (probably an area situated in Huntingdon close to Beauharnois!), now owned by Tremblay Bros.
On Tuesday... by the time help arrived, the blaze was out of control and one of the oldest creameries in the Beauharnois district was a pile of smoul-dering embers within a few hours. The factory and its contents were a total loss, with all machinery and 2500 pounds of butter destroyed...
The factory... was first built by the former "McPherson-Furguson". At the time, Mr. Robert Rolfe of Huntingdon worked for the concern. Later, Mr. Rolfe took over the business, which he carried on for over 30 years.
Source : Huntindon local paper May 26, 1943
(Sent by Jacques Fauvelle)
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Updated 2011-06-29