Regal Creamery
" T. Labbe "

First metal sign - Mario Hamel
Last 28"x19" metal sign - Bruno Desjardins

Advertising 28"x19" metal sign on stand - Christian Guilbault

REGAL ice cream cardboard signs - Steve Lussier

REGAL ice cream cardboard signs - Pierre Brouillette

First advertising clock - Laurier Fluet
Last advertising clock - Steve Lussier

First advertising thermometer - Steve Lussier
Second thermometer - Robert Benoît


Third thermometer - Laurier Fluet

Advertising ashtray - Paul Conner


First 72mm Dixie cuplid - Pierre St-Amand
Second 72mm Dixie cup lid - Denis Morin


Ice cream Dixie cup lids - Benoît Paré

Ice cream Dixie cup lids- Pierre Brouillette

Ice cream Dixie cup- Patrick Paradis


Ink Blotter   - Steve Lussier


In 1950's, small ice cream beaker were sold by Regal. On back of the lids, we could find pictures of american actors that could be exchanged for a large one (Poster).

Metal seigns - Laurier Fluet

Ice cream pint - André Chenette

Regal Ice cream sign - Steve Lussier
Ice cream 2.5 gallon - Mario Hamel

Short historic required

Updated 2022-11-05

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