(1931 - 1967)
Sugar party 20th of March 1946
Picture from Mr. Robert Gaudet
row: A. Belisle, O. Doyon, E. Galipeau, J. C. Lauzon, J. Forgues and R. Vachon
Second row: J. Trudeau, M. Chartrand, S. Desjardins, M. Carr, J. A. Raymond, L.
Belisle, J. A. Houle, O. R. Gravel, Z. Galipeau, J. C. A. Lemieux and F. Gaudet
First row: H. Lalande, H. Bique, V. Grenier, D. Gaudet, H. Dupuis, P.
Calder, E. Forgues, E. Poupart and J. Robert
Bottles - Denis Morin
Royal Visit 1939 42mm cap - Chris Hunt
First 42mm cap - Paul Conner
second 42mm caps- Robert Benoit
First 42mm cap- Pierre St-Amand
Last two 42mm caps - Dale Peacock
First 34mm cap - Paul Conner
Last four 34mm caps - Dale Peacock
Aluminium 42mm cap - André Chenette
Advertising cardboard sign 16 X 28 in. - Steve Lussier
Trucks "Ideale Dairy" Photo 1 - Photo 2
Mr. Leo Cloutier was delivering Ideale Dairy milk in 1945 - Photo Denis Morin
Mr. Cloutier and his son Jean-Claude beside Ideale Dairy Doge truck 1948 - Photo Denis Morin
![]() Coupons - Denis Morin |
Short historic
At first, Mr. Cloutier began to deliver milk for Ideale Dairy. Later he became independent and he was buying the milk for his deliveries from different dairies. Leo Cloutier was maried to Marie Jeanne Poiré. Today "2005" Mrs. Poiré is 88 years old and still in good shape. Mr. Cloutier had four horses that he used to make the milk routes. When one get tired or to old to make the entire working day, the others were used to finish the job. We were living at the second floor and my father used to repare horse harnesses in our abode said Pierre the other son of Leo. Source : Pierre Cloutier
Before 1931, the 2080 l'Esperance does not show in the Montreal lovell's.
This address starts to appear for Ideale Dairy from 1931 to 1967.
In the Lovell's, from 1926 to 1931, we can find the names Donat Gaudet with his three associates
(Marcel Bélisle, J. Aimé Raymond et Émile Forgues) appearing at the address 2221 Dufresne Street in Montreal.
Searches : Gilles Legault
In early 20's, Mr. Donat Gaudet started to sell milk. At first, he was working alone to bottle the milk in the basement of his house and going to sell it. It's only in 1928 that the "Ideal Dairy" appears for the first time in "Bell Canada Yellow pages directory"
In early 30's, three other milkman came to join him. It was Mr. J. Aimé Raymond, Emile Forgues with his own bottles and Mr. Marcel Belisle. That's the way the "Ideale Dairy" started.
The dairy was selling the milk in a large area of Montreal. During the war, the business was very difficult and a rough competition was all around but in spite of this situation, the hard labor and the good management made the dairy to operate under Gaudet's management till 1965. That year, Fernand and Maurice Gaudet sold the dairy and two years later, Sealtest acquired the business.
Sources: MM. Robert and Pierre Gaudet, grandsons of Mr. Donat Gaudet.
1939 Advertisement - Pierre Gagné