(1941 - 19??)
Historical page (1957) - André Charette
Maurice Rodrigue and Antonin Lussier
(2 owners untill 1944)
Quart - Robert Benoît
Pint - Laurier Fluet
Half pint - Pierre St-Amand
Last half pint - Paul Conner
First two quarts - Paul Conner
Third quart - Robert Benoît
Last quart - Laurier Fluet
First two pints - Robert Benoît
Half pint - Paul Conner
Last pint - Laurier Fluet
Antonin Lussier
(In 1944, becomes single owner)
First quart and pint - Paul Conner
Second quart - Robert Benoît
Magog set
Bottles - Paul Conner
38mm cap - Claude Lamothe
42mm caps - Danny Currie
34mm cap - Pierre St-Amand
Last 34mm cap - André Daunais
(For a short period of time, Magog Dairy bottled the milk for Purdy's)
2nd aluminum caps - Paul Conner
Creamer lids - Robert Benoît
Dairy Token - Paul Conner
Magog Dairy acquired "Fairview Dairy Farm" from Lennoxville in 1974.
Ice Cream support- Pierre St-Amand
Dairy milk crates - Denis Morin
By the end of 70's start fo 80's, "Magog Dairy "becomes "Estrie-Lait".
(Information : Robert Benoît)
Advertising ruler - Paul Conner
Uniform patch - Paul Conner
advertising matches booklet - Paul Conner
Estrie-lait announcement card - Paul Conner
Window card - Steve Lussier
Estrie-lait contest announcement poster - Paul Conner