(1926 - 1980)



1st series

Quart   - André Daunais
 Pint - Laurier Fluet


2nd series

Small letters on reverse

Quarts and pint - Paul Conner

3rd series

Large letters on reverse

Pint - André Daunais

4th series

Red Silkscreen

Quarter pint, Tel. 2-2417 - André Daunais


5th series

Quarts  -  Paul Conner



42mm cap - Stephan Simard

Aluminum caps - André Daunais


Uniform crest- Pierre St-Amand

 First dairy crate - Laurier Fluet
Last dairy crate - Denis Morin

Playing cards - Économusée de Charlevoix


In 1980, the Lamontagne Dairy then merged to "Chaine Coopérative du Saguenay (CCS)"
then the CCS will merge to Nutrinor, October 24, octobre 1989.

(French documents only!)



Short historic required

Updated 2018-06-31
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