(1926 - 1980)
1st series
Quart - André Daunais
Pint - Laurier Fluet
2nd series
Small letters on reverse
Quarts and pint - Paul Conner
3rd series
Large letters on reverse
Pint - André Daunais
4th series
Red Silkscreen
Quarter pint, Tel. 2-2417 - André Daunais
5th series
Quarts - Paul Conner
42mm cap - Stephan Simard
Uniform crest- Pierre St-Amand
First dairy crate - Laurier Fluet
Last dairy crate - Denis Morin
Playing cards - Économusée de Charlevoix
In 1980, the Lamontagne Dairy then merged to "Chaine Coopérative du Saguenay (CCS)"
then the CCS will merge to Nutrinor, October 24, octobre 1989.
(French documents only!)