Adrien St-Louis
(1932 - 19??)

Adrien St-Louis farm - Picture is from Gaston Gravel

42 mm cap
Jacques Fauvelle

Adrien St-Louis farm was situated at La Croche. La Croche is a small village 5km north of La Tuque. The farm was owned by the "Congrégation des Soeurs Grises" and it's Sévère St-Louis the father of Adrien that first bought the farm in 1932 so he could pass it later to his two sons, Adrien and Nicolas.

Nicolas passed away a short time after the father gave the farm, leaving Adrien alone to do the work but Adrien kept the dairy farm running. Adrien was doing the deliveries to customers in La Tuque. Milk in quarts and cream in half pints. The (dairy) farm is no more in business. - Information : M. Gaston Gravel

Updated 2011-03-17
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