Fairview Farms Inc. (1804 - 1920)
Fairview Dairy Farms (1921 - 1974)
" Charles-Thomas Herring "

Fairview Farms are celebrating their 200th anniversary this year!
(See the sign below = Since 1804 - Photo by Denis Morin 2004)

Sign photographed by Denis Morin
Wood and metal milk crate - Danny Currie

The Dairy buildings - Photos Denis Morin (2004)

Historic of the Fairview Dairy Farms

- From 1860 to 1920, raw milk was first sold by Charles-Thomas HERRING. The milk was sold directly at the farm.
- In 1921, the name FAIRVIEW DAIRY FARMS was officially registered.
- In 1944, the first real dairy buildings were raised. They were used as the milk factory as well as a distribution center.

- In 1974, due to more severe inspections, the Fairview Dairy Farms ceased to do business. The milk routes were sold to "Magog Dairy" and all equipments were sent to scrap.

The selling of milk started with Charles-Thomas HERRING in 1860. The business continued under the direction of his son Gordon and finally passed to Brian, his grandson.

Information : Brian HERRING
Searches : Denis Morin

September 2007, fire at the Fairview Farm - Information Denis Morin

Quart - Laurier Fluet
Pint - André Daunais
ACL half pint - Denis Morin
Embossed quart and half pint - Denis Morin

42mm caps - Paul Conner
Last 42mm cap - Denis Morin

38mm cap - Paul Conner

34mm caps - Paul Conner

First 34mm cap - Pierre St-Amand
Last two 34mm caps - Denis Morin

Full card one quart coupons - Paul Conner

Quart milk coupons and milk carton - Denis Morin
Pint milk coupons - Paul Conner

Cap cover - Denis Morin
Metal tokens - Paul Conner

First 34mm cap - J. G. Comtois
Second 34mm cap - Lucien Riendeau

Tokens - Denis Morin

Updated 2011-08-22
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